Experience the Magic of Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine Near Kyoto

Today, I would like to introduce Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine. Located in Yawata City, a short distance from central Kyoto, this shrine has been a significant part of my life for the past four years since I moved here after getting married. Whether it's for my child's first shrine visit, New Year's prayers, or wishes for safe delivery and successful careers, Iwashimizu Hachimangu has been our go-to spot for all our significant life events.
This is my first time giving a detailed introduction in English, and I'm quite excited to share this special place with you.
Iwashimizu Hachimangu is a sacred power spot where gods of protection against misfortune and wish fulfillment reside. Escape the city's noise and immerse yourself in the divine atmosphere of this shrine surrounded by nature.
Explore on Foot

Getting to Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine takes about an hour from Kyoto Station.
From Keihan Iwashimizu-Hachimangu Station, you have two options: walk or take the cable car.

I personally recommend walking to enjoy the lush bamboo groves and beautiful scenery from Otokoyama. However, climbing the seemingly endless stairs for about 30 minutes can be quite challenging, so if you're not confident in your stamina, taking the cable car is a good alternative.
The cable car ride to the top of Iwashimizu Hachimangu takes about three minutes, offering stunning views of Otokoyama along the way.
The shrine is also famous for its bamboo groves, which remain beautiful throughout the year. Even in the height of summer, the shaded paths stay cool, making it a perfect spot for a refreshing walk. An early morning stroll here can start your day off with a sense of peace and rejuvenation.
Whenever I'm feeling stuck at work or troubled by something, I often take a walk through the bamboo groves of Iwashimizu Hachimangu. The fresh air clears my mind and helps me refocus.
A Year-Round Enjoyable Observation Deck

The observation deck at Iwashimizu Hachimangu offers breathtaking views all year round. From here, you can see the confluence of the Uji, Kizu, and Katsura rivers.
In spring, you can enjoy cherry blossoms, in summer the lush greenery, in autumn maple colors, and in winter, although it rarely snows, the scenery remains beautiful. My personal favorite is the autumn season. From late November to early December, you can witness a carpet of red leaves creating a stunning landscape. On clear days, you might even catch a glimpse of Kyoto Tower from the observation deck.
As I write this in June, the hydrangeas are in bloom. The observation deck also hosts the office of the NPO Yawata Take Club and displays various bamboo crafts, which change regularly, providing a new experience with each visit.
Edison's Monument

Near the west parking lot of Iwashimizu Hachimangu’s main shrine, there is a monument dedicated to Thomas Edison. Interestingly, Edison's invention of the incandescent light bulb has a connection to this area. In 1878, while striving to make the light bulb practical, Edison faced the challenge of finding a suitable filament. After testing thousands of materials, including metals, cotton, and even beard hair, he discovered that bamboo was the best material. It is said that the bamboo Edison used came from the area around Iwashimizu Hachimangu.
Edison’s relentless spirit of perseverance until success is something we can all admire and emulate.
Yawata's Famous Hashiri Mochi for a Break

If you get tired from all the walking, you can take a break at the Yawata Hashiri Mochi shop within the Iwashimizu Hachimangu grounds. Here, you can try the famous "Hashiri Mochi," a soft mochi filled with sweet red bean paste, shaped like a sword in honor of the Heian period swordsmith Sanjo Kokaji Munechika who forged swords at Hashirii.
There's also a Yawata Hashiri Mochi shop near Iwashimizu Hachimangu Station where you can sit down and enjoy the mochi with a cup of sencha tea.
The bitterness of the tea perfectly complements the sweetness of the mochi.
Prices: 5 pieces - 850 yen, 10 pieces - 1,600 yen
Shop Information
Yawata Hashiri Mochi Shop Address: 19 Yawata Takabo, Yawata City, Kyoto (in front of the first torii gate on the Omotesando path to Iwashimizu Hachimangu) Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Closed: Mondays Phone: 075-981-0154 Instagram:[@hashiriimochi](https://www.instagram.com/hashiriimochi/) |
If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a leisurely walk in nature, please visit Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine.
Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine
- Address: 30 Yawata Takabo, Yawata City, Kyoto
- Phone: 075-981-3001
- Instagram: iwashimizuhachimangu_grace
Author Profile

A Japanese language teacher connecting Japanese people with the world abroad.
Captivated by Thai cuisine during 3 years of residence in Thailand.
After returning home, continued international exchange events for 5 years. Enjoys encountering different cultures.
Father of one child. My motto is enjoying both parenting and working